Thursday, July 31, 2008

2:00am Post

"Brandi, why are you posting this at 2 in the morning?" you may ask...
Maybe it's because a gigantic storm cloud decided to hover over our house for half the day, causing the power to go out - for half the day. This put me half-a-day behind in work, which I have decided to make up for - you guessed it - for half the night. Anyway, what's a girl to do with no computer or t.v. for half a day? If you're me, you take pictures. So get that scrolling finger we go.

Actually, the first 2 pictures were taken on Sunday when Alex was heading to her bff's "Red Carpet" party. Doesn't she look beautiful! 

And here are three of the other girls who were there at the time I dropped of Alex. (I don't know how many ended up coming, but I DO know that they stayed up all night!) Alex tends to be a tinsy winsy bit grumpy the day after a sleepover...

This is what Alex does when the power is out...

the child doesn't use a pick...hmmm.

And this is what Megan does when the power is out...
She is such a talented illustrator! She does the cutest "cartoony" people. 

And this is Alex's eye. he he :) Weird pic to post, I know...but I thought it was pretty.

Last but not least, check this out. Our new coffee maker has a fuel gauge! HA!

Monday, July 28, 2008

I have a sad, sad, sad little girl

Oh, how my heart breaks for my little teenage girl! She saved her baby-sitting money all summer long with visions of the new i-phone twinkling in her eyes. She literally counted down the days, minutes and seconds until the release for weeks. Now, to a thirteen year old in 2008, especially one with a head for money like her mamma (he he) $200 is doable. Little did we know the iphone is really $400 if your 2 year contract isn't quite up. (you were right Dad....) So what does an AT&T customer of over 5 years with a total of 5 lines on her account do? You know it! I called 'em up hoping that they would make an exception for such a great customer. I mean really, she'll qualify for the upgrade in just 5 little months...surely they can just hit a little button on their little computer and make this happen for me now, right? HA! Or to be more accurate – HA HA HA! Those {insert bad word here} would not budge. They blamed it all on apple, saying how apple had a very strict policy bla bla bla - but the issue is with the contract renewal date - an AT&T thing which has nothing to do with the phone! I mean really, all we wanted to do was SPEND SOME MONEY AT THEIR STORE!
{insert bad word again here} 

Alex is heartbroken but has not complained, which makes me even more upset that they won't help a mamma out. She's such a good kid, if they only knew her! Hmmmmmm...maybe I'll just start calling them every single day until they cave.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Clean & Green!

My very great friends Heather Sullivan and Emily Woods have started an eco-friendly cleaning business right here in Nashvegas! I've just gotten their site launched (although it's not completely don't judge me! :) ) Visit them here. If anyone out there needs a cleaning service around the Nashville area [who doesn't!] - give them a call! They are FABULOUS!

Ever Wonder Where Logos Come From?

Ran across these at the LogoDesignLove blog. Aren't they He-lair-E-ous! (Eric's been making fun of me for saying "hilarious" too much, so there! I said something different!)

Mom had the fam over for dinner tonight, stuffed peppers - yummy! Here's some pictures of little Cole Buddy. Isn't he delicious! Can you believe he'll be 2 in a few months! My little nephew - 2 years old!!

The sweetest face in the world...right here folks.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I Have Nothing to Say...

So I'll just post some random photos I've taken this week.

Some guys hood ornament that pulled up next to me at the bank...think he's a democrat???

Thing with a crazy eyeball that landed on my deck...

Check out the lightning! (I was very proud of myself for getting this shot!)

Monday, July 14, 2008

This is Me Not Working...

It's just so pretty today! Technically, I'm on my lunch break, but I must admit I have taken more deck breaks than usual... I mean really, look at the current conditions here! 84 degrees with 43% humidity!

Megan can't seem to stay on task either. (she is supposed to be cleaning her room right now)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Three S.L.U.T.S. Come to Our House

Okay, okay - I never could keep a straight face...I meant 3 members of the "Southern Ladies Up To Something" club. Do you not just LOVE LOVE LOVE that name! 

The 3 ladies I speak of are Eric's 3 aunts from North Carolina (Claris, Cynthia and Elizabeth). These are three of the FUNNIEST women I have ever met! My cheeks were hurting for an hour after they left! Being the worst photo hobbyist in the world, I did not take one single picture of them. Go ahead and throw some tomatoes. (just not the ones with salmonella please) Anyway...we had a great time just hanging out and talking. They didn't get to stay for long because they were on their way to the Grand Ole' Opry. Ladies, I hope you had a great time! Come back to see us soon!

Also in the news, we had the cutest little baby preying mantis on our patio table umbrella.

And I also thought I'd share with you my fav-o-rite find of the week..."Inaminate Object Character Stickers". How fun are these!! You can find them here.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Girls at Jack & Carol's Wedding

Look how big they're getting! All dressed up - looking grown up.
And no, that is not some cheesy Wal-Mart photo back drop. That is really the way it looked that day in the Japanese Gardens at Cheekwood. Almost too pretty...

(Note that Alex had her tips dyed brown... doesn't it look cool!)