Monday, June 1, 2009

Okay, Okay...

I'm going to start blogging again.

No offense, but it's not for you - it's for us. Us being me and Eric. We used to love scrolling through this stupid blog every now and then, remembering the random things that had happened over the year...and now there's a great big gaping hole in our weird little life story because I haven't made the time to keep this up. Well, this chic says NO MORE! I am the kind of woman who can run a couple businesses AND have a life! I just know it! Hear me roar,


It won't take long to update you on what's been going on in the 4 months since I last posted...we haven't been doing much. Business has been good, so we've been busy with work. The girls survived the school year. Casey's still puttering around being the best dog ever. Cole is saying all kinds of stuff now...he's a little parrot. I'm starting another "business venture", but it's going to be my little secret for now...

Here's a couple pics.

We discovered that Megan can make the BEST banana pudding in the world!!

Alex spends hours making bracelets, and I mean h o u r s...they now reach almost to her elbows.

Cole buddy says "Cheese!" for the camera now. :)

Eric is growing tomatoes and green peppers this year. Here is his first little baby green pepper. Yum!

Casey tests the soil levels. After all, she is the fertilization expert.


Anonymous said...

Brandi, Thanks so much for tagging me with the update - family news is the best - you have such a beautiful family & I do mean everyone...the hubby, girls, dog, etc. Much love, cousin Lisa (in California)

Dad said...

Well, its about time. Who do you think you are, making us wait so long for our favorite blog site?
Love you, Dad

PS Kids look great!
Thanks for the pics.

Unknown said...

Ilove that little girl in the pigtails(black and white picture). Does Alex sell her braclets? Why did you show Megan's banana pudding when I am so much wanting some to eat right now??? :) I loved looking at your blog for the first time. It took me a long time to figure out how to leave a comment. Mee Mee is still in the hospital, but I'm hoping she will come home in a few days. I'm going to go wash her hair tomorrow and help her roll it. Say a prayer for Mee Mee-I mean about me doing her hair.:) We had a relaxing and lazy trip to your Dad and Tina's. I wish we could have stayed a few more days.
I am looking so forward to the Epperson reunion so that I can see everyone. I love you all,
Arhmin and Steven are going to name their baby Hortense if it is a girl and Oscar if it is a boy. What do ya think??

Brandi! said...

Please let Arhmin & Steven know that Gertrude for a girl or Magnus for a boy would be much better choices. (If they insist on Hortense, they should at the very least change it to Hortensia - much classier...)