"Brandi, why are you posting this at 2 in the morning?" you may ask...
Maybe it's because a gigantic storm cloud decided to hover over our house for half the day, causing the power to go out - for half the day. This put me half-a-day behind in work, which I have decided to make up for - you guessed it - for half the night. Anyway, what's a girl to do with no computer or t.v. for half a day? If you're me, you take pictures. So get that scrolling finger ready....here we go.
Actually, the first 2 pictures were taken on Sunday when Alex was heading to her bff's "Red Carpet" party. Doesn't she look beautiful!

And here are three of the other girls who were there at the time I dropped of Alex. (I don't know how many ended up coming, but I DO know that they stayed up all night!) Alex tends to be a tinsy winsy bit grumpy the day after a sleepover...

This is what Alex does when the power is out...

the child doesn't use a pick...hmmm.

And this is what Megan does when the power is out...
She is such a talented illustrator! She does the cutest "cartoony" people.

And this is Alex's eye. he he :) Weird pic to post, I know...but I thought it was pretty.

Last but not least, check this out. Our new coffee maker has a fuel gauge! HA!