Okay, okay - I never could keep a straight face...I meant 3 members of the "Southern Ladies Up To Something" club. Do you not just LOVE LOVE LOVE that name!
The 3 ladies I speak of are Eric's 3 aunts from North Carolina (Claris, Cynthia and Elizabeth). These are three of the FUNNIEST women I have ever met! My cheeks were hurting for an hour after they left! Being the worst photo hobbyist in the world, I did not take one single picture of them. Go ahead and throw some tomatoes. (just not the ones with salmonella please) Anyway...we had a great time just hanging out and talking. They didn't get to stay for long because they were on their way to the Grand Ole' Opry. Ladies, I hope you had a great time! Come back to see us soon!
Also in the news, we had the cutest little baby preying mantis on our patio table umbrella.

And I also thought I'd share with you my fav-o-rite find of the week..."Inaminate Object Character Stickers". How fun are these!! You can find them here.

My friend - you are not right!
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