Friday, September 19, 2008

How to Create a Sidebar Button with Code Box

Ever wondered how to do this with your sidebar buttons?

It is sooooo easy! Just copy the code below, paste it where I've listed below, and make the changes that I have color coded. Wa-La! You have a sidebar button with "grab" code!

Green: Change this to the website that you want your button to link to.
Orange: Name your button something.
Purple: Type or paste the location of your button graphic.

Side Note: I have found that my button graphic doesn't show up if it's hosted by Picasa Web Albums. Either use Photobucket, or I really like Tiny Pic for generating a link. (choose the "Direct Link for Layouts" option...)

Copy code below.

<div align="center">

<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Brandi Cameron Design" src=""/></a>


<div align="center">

<form><textarea rows="6" cols="20"><a href=""><img src=""/></a></textarea></form></div>



Kim said...

You are fab-U-lous!

JoAnneBNA said...

Thanks Brandi for figuring this OUT!!! So Cool. :) Now anyone who stops by can take a little piece of lilac cottage with them!