Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

Whew! It's a super busy week around here! I'm working on a bunch of cool projects, so I'll be showing off soon! :)
Also, guess what I finally ordered this week???? I'll give you a hint – it kinda goes with my camera and I'll be able to do some really cool stuff with it... (those weren't very good hints, were they?) Okay, I'll just tell you.
Drum roll....
Studio Lights! Hooray! I also ordered a background stand and one of those cool "green screen" backdrops. Ooooh, I've got some crazy fun plans for it! It's not all play and no work though – I was able to justify the purchase because I've found myself shooting clients a lot lately for their print work and websites. This will make life a little easier. (and prettier) I'm so excited!
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