We're getting ready to hit the road to Oaktown, Indiana for the yearly Kramer Family Reunion. WoooooooooHoooooooooo! Let me tell you, the Kramer's are KRAZY! This is my husbands family, and they are a fun and competitive group. Always lots of games and contests, and nobody in this family is going to "let the kids win" anything! You've got to earn yours in this family!
Anyway, had some great stuff in my inbox this morning so I'm going to share it with you because it is FUNNY!
Here we go - you know you have some photos just like this hiding in a drawer somewhere... now you can send them here and provide laughs for others. You must check out the Sexy People blog!

Crazy right! Believe it or not, there is a "World Beard and Mustache Championship". Click here to see more of this madness.

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