nem•e•sis |'nemesis\ n. the inescapable or implacable agent of someone's downfall.
Yes, that sounds about right. Nemesis.

How does this happen? There are four very average size people living in this house. It is not winter, so the sheer size of the pile cannot be attributed to the bulk of sweaters or sweatshirts. I KNOW that I just emptied this basket yesterday. Really. There is still a load of towels in the dryer as proof. Yet here it is, again. My laundry basket is magic. It can turn pure air into piles of dirty clothing. Take that David Copperfield!
*side note - If you have not yet rented the movie Smart People, don't.
I'll tell you how it happens - when you are gone, these little people sneak into your house and wear your clothes. As soon as you pull in the driveway, they throw them all in the floor and skat!! That is what happens here - I'm trying to catch the tiny fools!
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